I have analysed the front cover, contents page and a double page spread in NME to help me with the planning of my music magazine. I analysed NME, because I want to create something similar to this.
Overall Look
Overall, the cover is very simple with 3 main colours, and a picture with a white background. The contents page too is simple, with black writing and a white background. The different fonts and pictures make the page more exciting but overall it is quite simple. It has been made this way to make the magazine seem quite modern and cool. The simplicity of the colours makes the magazine seem bold, and also down to the point. The whole magazine represents the music it features, which is well know bands, that are edgy and bold in their music, and overall the magazine has this look.
Front Cover
Colour Scheme
The colour scheme for the cover is red, white and black. The photo too is in black and white. This simplicity of the colour scheme and also the boldness of the red in contrast to the black and white could represent the type of music NME feature; bold, and stands out from other types of music. This will appeal to the audience, as it stands out.
The photo is of Jarvis Cocker from Pulp. It is a mid shot, with him looking down at the camera with his two fingers up to the camera. He looks stereotypically Britpop, and even the audience/buyers that don’t know who Jarvis Cocker is, could easily presume he is from a Britpop band, as he has the stereotypical 80’s haircut, casually smart jacket with the unbuttoned shirt, and quite clearly the attitude. This recognition of someone from a British 80’s band also portrays to the audience the type of music that will be featured in the magazine, and therefore attract them to the magazine, if this is the type of music they are interested about.
Text Picture Ratio
The picture is bigger than the text, as it fills up the whole cover. The text around the picture is smaller. This is the typical layout for a magazine, and magazine readers will recognise this layout. This portrays to the audience that this is just a magazine, so they should expect to find similar stereotypes and articles that feature in other magazines.
Writing Style
The writing on the cover is quite informal and personal. The caption beneath the main text reads “The Britpop reunion we’ve been waiting for.”, which involves the audience with the word ‘we’, by making them part of the magazine. The rest if the writing is short and straight to the point for example “Inside the student riots”. This is catchy, straight to the point, and can fit on the cover. The writing is also edgy, as there is the caption ‘About f*#king time’. This shows that the magazine generally is for older readers, and also shows the magazine is edgy.
Almost all the fonts on the cover are bold, and square. The only exception is the writing ‘About f*#king time’, which is in a font that looks handwritten. The difference with this font contrasts with the rest, showing the contrast in music the magazine features, and also the edge to the band Pulp it is talking about. The rest of the fonts make the magazine itself seem very bold, and as though it stands out. This is appropriate for their audience, because generally the music it features stands out, and are quite bold and well known, like bands such as Pulp and My Chemical Romance etc, rather than artist less people will know.
Contents Page
Colour Scheme
The colour scheme of the contents page is black and white, not including the pictures. It is a simple colour scheme, and goes with the simplicity of the cover. The pictures however, are not all black and white, they are all mostly in colour. The coloured photos on this page draw the readers eye, in contrast to the writing.
The photos are what draws the readers eye to this page. The photos are of bands, or people playing music; playing a guitar or singing. This will interest the reader, as the audience of the magazine are clearly into music. The pictures are to do with the contents, so this page makes the magazine of the seem interesting, even before the reader has read past this page.
Text Picture Ratio
Generally the text picture ratio on this page is 50/50. The photos are roughly the same size as the text caption. This makes this page interesting and gives the page some dynamics. The reader will find the large sizes of the photos interesting to look at, and the same amount of text gives the reader enough information about the contents. It a good ratio for the magazine, because it does not have too much text in that the reader will find this page boring, and it doesn’t have too much photos, and not enough text so that the reader is not able to get an idea of the contents.
Writing Style
Like the cover, the writing style on this page is simple and down to the point. Half of the writing is made up of quotes from the articles. For example, “Kanye West: douchebag, gay fish, enemy of the state”. This is followed by a caption that reads ‘and this was meant to be a rave review’. The quote that follows was quite sarcastic, and playful, so the writing style is informal. This almost banter style of writing makes the overall feel of the magazine as not too serious, and chilled out.
There are several different fonts on this page, some are very simple, and straight, whereas others are more fancy, and less simple. As this is the contents page, it gives the reader the impression that the magazine does not feature just one type of music, or articles, but instead includes a wide variety. It also makes this page seem more interesting, as it does not just stick to one font.
Double Page Spread
Colour Scheme
The colour scheme on this double page spread is pink, green and the writing is black. The colours are generally 'calming' colours, rather than bright in your face colours. This helps to set the 'chilled out' feel of the whole spread. It also is a contrast to the front cover and the contents page; suggesting that this band is different, and contrasting with society.
There is one large photo of the whole band of Pulp, which is what the article is about, on the left hand page. This is one of the first things the reader’s eye will be drawn to, and therefore may help the reader decide to read the article. The photo is of the band, the main singer at the front and the other members in the background. Other photos on the page include 6 shots of each member of the band. They are all head shots in black and white. These photos will be interesting to the reader, as the reader is clearly into music, and therefore wants to know about this band.
Text Picture Ratio
On the first page the text picture ratio is roughly half and half. There is one large picture of the band taking up the top half of the page, and below it is text. On the second page however there is more text than pictures. The first page is to draw in the reader, and therefore has to look interesting, which is what this ratio does. However on the other page, the reader will already be reading the article and therefore does not have to look as interesting. In spite of this there are still pictures to make the layout look interesting, and to break up the text.
Writing Style
The writing style in this article is generally informal, and is the sort of language the reader will appreciate. The writer clearly gives their own opinions, the opinions in which most of the readers will agree with. The quote ‘Pulp were the perfect pop group for an era dumbed down by the rise of boorish blokeishness’ is a perfect example of this, as these are clearly not real words, but the writer will understand what the writer means, and will appreciate it for being simple and down to the point, with a little quirkiness too.
The fonts for this double page spread are generally plain. The main font in which the article is written is just average text you would expect to see in a newspaper article, which portrays to the audience the fact that they take the music seriously, and if people genuinely want to read about the band, then they can with simplicity. The only text that isn’t as plain is the headings, which are written in a fancier font, in italics. This makes the page more interesting to look at, and as it is the larger writing in a bolder font, it will catch the reader’s eye.